Have you ever considered the magnificence and beauty of life? Looked at your hand and realized the engineering perfection of it? Starred at nature and its complexity evoked a sense of awe in you? It almost feels like magic, right?
Science, beginning with Darwin, affirms that you, me, and all of life are just a result of millions of random DNA mutations that occurred over billions of years. Given enough time, they state, life can evolve from bacteria to complex organisms like us by just aleatory changes in DNA.
And this hypothesis has very critical implications. It means that our very existence is merely a result born from accidental inventions instead of deliberate ones. Life, then, cannot have an inherent purpose since it is a by-product of natural selection and luck.
We might believe that there are countless experiments supporting this very important claim, but strangely enough, it has never been confirmed.
But almost a 100 years ago, an experiment that settled the matter took place which, unfortunately, nobody is talking about.
Explaining Neo-Darwinism
Before we dive into the experiment, we must first comprehend what we currently believe about how evolution works. In almost all popular literature, the standard explanation for evolution is that:
Evolution is driven by random copying errors in DNA, which produce mutations of genes. These are said to occasionally change the creature in useful ways. These variations then increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
For example, in a world with just short-necked giraffes, a random mutation in DNA that cause an individual giraffe to develop a long neck, would greatly benefit its survival. Since he can eat from short and tall trees as well, it is less probable that he will die of hunger. In that way and over a long span of time, short-necked giraffes become extinct while the ones with the longer necks become the standard. This is what’s called Natural Selection.
Evolution, A Formula
So, if we have to write a formula to explain Darwinian Evolution, it would go like this:
- Random meaning – made without definite aim, reason, or pattern.
- Mutation meaning – a sudden change from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, which is caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome.
- Natural Selection: A natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment.
As we said before, if this is true, it has huge implications to our lives and how we conceive the world. So we should expected there are thousands of experiments demonstrating that random mutations over time can produce beneficial changes to the organism.
There are none. But there’s one 100-year-old experiment that shed light on this critical issue.
Dobzhansky’s Flies
In the 30s, Theodosius Dobzhansky set out to prove the theory of evolution Darwin and modern scientists suggest.
If we have a certain population of organisms, and induce random mutations in their DNA, in time we should see a gradual improvement. And that’s what Dobzhansky did.
He deliberately induced mutations in fruit flies by exposing them to radiation. Fruit flies are perfect for an experiment like this because they breed fast, gestating in two weeks. Dobzhansky could simulate the equivalent of 600 years of evolution in only 30 years.
This hypothesis made total sense. Radiation reliably produces DNA copying errors. If evolution is driven by DNA copying errors, and if natural selection kills off the inferior creatures and leaves the improved units, this should work!
After 3 decades of effort, the experiments produced every kind of defect you can imagine, even mutant fruit files with legs growing out of their heads where antennae belong. But surprisingly, no beneficial changes like organs or adaptive systems, let alone new species were created. ZERO PROGRESS AFTER 30 YEARS.
It could be possible that fruit flies have evolved to its best state, that’s why every other mutation is worse than the original ones. But if that’s true, why did other species have the same problem? Experiments of the same kind had been done with moths and all kinds of plants and animals.
The results were always the same: damaged mutants.
If it was proved that random mutations in DNA are not responsible for evolution to happen, this dismantles a pretty big paradigm in biology and evolution. If the current theory of evolution is wrong, what could produce it?
McClintock Settles The Debate
One could argue that 30 years is not enough time, but other experiments show that just a few decades are more than enough to produce new species multiple times. Let’s explore it:
In 1983, Barbara McClintock received the Nobel Prize in Medicine due to an amazing discovery made decades before.
Just like the fruit fly experiment, she too used radiation to damage maize but with a twist. This time, different from the fruit-fly experiment, McClintock posed her plants an entirely different type of challenge. She discovered that radiation broke chromosomes and triggered editing systems in real time. Cells would reconstruct the damaged chromosome with another section of genetic material.
Some of the plants she hacked sensed the damage they could not repair and activated previously latent parts of the maize genome (640). They succeeded in patching damaged DNA with a new kind of genetic element—a transposable element.
This movement is called Transposition. And in this process, plants, cells and organisms can develop new features.
Basically, cells swap sections of their DNA when they need to adapt to their environment in order to survive.
In laymen terms, let’s say we have the following DNA:
ABC123DEFGH and 123 is a transposable element in DNA. When a cell or the organism encounters pressure or danger from the external environment (like radiation, starvation, pollution or heat), cells can move this transposable element around to develop new adaptations so they can survive.
Is Evolution Random?
James Saphiro, who discovered Transposition in bacteria and was a close friend to McClintock, got asked if mutations weren’t random. He responded the following:
No sir,” replied Dr. Shapiro, “they’re not random at all. When bacteria are comfortable, some mutations cannot be found in over ten billion cells. But when they’re starving, the mutation frequency can go by a factor of >100,000-fold and they develop new adaptations so they can survive”
The fruit-fly and the maize experiment isolated the question of: “Can random mutations produce beneficial changes in the organism?” and gives us a concrete and definitive answer.
New features don’t have to wait until a mutant organism is conceived since cells are intelligent enough to realize they need to modify something to keep surviving.
These experiments show that evolutionary changes are not caused by random mutations and are not gradual. They are quick and goal-driven, because they respond to specific threats.
What’s outstanding is that Transpositions is just one of the tools that organisms use to evolve and adapt, and none of them are random.
If hasn’t blew your mind yet, you haven’t grasped the importance of it.
Evidence for Evolution? Not So Sure…
Darwin once said:
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
We have absolutely no idea how these cellular engineering capabilities originated and how cells make choices. But what we are sure of is that randomness cannot produce evolution and the changes in DNA are not aleatory.
A New Paradigm in Biology
The Paradigm modern Science and Biology relies saying that life survives and evolves out of luck is falling short.
If organisms and cells are not just mechanisms, but willful and – in a sense – conscious entities, that are aware of the dangers in the environment and engineer the right solution to cope with it, there’s a gap that physics and chemistry cannot explain.
The Universe seems to be not just a billiard table with balls bouncing but there’s something far more mysterious going on here. Perhaps there a Designer behind it all or maybe there are driving forces that nobody yet comprehends.
More importantly, what does that mean for us, self-aware beings? If we are not here out of luck and a few thousand random mutations, why do we exist? Could biology and science ever tell us the meaning of life, or even the existence of a Creator?
Obviously, science cannot stop its search by explaining anything through God, but neither they can with Randomness.
We don’t know the final answer, we might not ever find one. But that must not to stop us. Because if there’s one thing I’m sure, is that we must keep exploring, asking questions and discovering, even though they might contradict what we believed about Reality and our own lives. Because that’s what ultimately make us human.
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