
This category is all about your psychology, your mind, your emotions, your thoughts and much more. Learn from it, apply it, and master your mind once and for all!

How to Read a Book

❌ You’ve been Reading Books the WRONG WAY! Learn The PROPER WAY to do it in this video!

The Power of Solitude

🤫 There’s a secret that successful and iconic people know but nobody ever really told us , and that’s the hidden power of solitude…

How to Become Smarter

🧠 Everyone wants to become SMARTER but few known WHAT THAT REALLY MEANS! Discover the Answer for YOURSELF in this article!

10 Life Transforming Habits

Learn 10 life transforming habits in 5 minutes here and see how your life transform in a matter of days! Warning, your life will not be same anymore!

Mind is Everything

It can be pretty difficult to grasp, but our mind rules everything in our lives. From the goals we can conceive, to the results we can accomplish, our happiness, inner peace, the quality of our relationships, our creativity and much more.

The mind can be an amazing tool but a despicable master, and this is solely determined by the degree in which we are aware of how our inner mechanisms work. Most people go through life not knowing the tricks their minds are playing to them and end up being victims of their unconscious processes. By learning and studying how the mind work, we start to open up to the possibility of guiding it, of using it rather than being used by it.

Want to CHANGE your Life?

Download our Guide "10 Proven Habits that Will Improve Your Life" to start NOW.

What is Mind?

Mind is the element that humans possess which enables them to be aware of themselves and their surroundings, to think and to feel, to imagine and conceptualize, to dream and to conceive, to speak and to communicate. Basically, it is what makes us truly human.

It’s true nature is still a mistery. On a personal and experiential level, we are aware of our thoughts and feelings but we never experience the source of them; in our experience there isn’t something called “mind” to which we can point our fingers to. Here’s a Zen Koan that explains the matter clearly:

A student came to Bodhidharma crying, “My mind has no peace as yet! I beg you, master, please pacify my mind!”

“Bring your mind here and I will pacify it for you,” replied Bodhidharma.

“I have searched for my mind, and I cannot take hold of it,” said the student.

“Now your mind is pacified,” said Bodhidharma.

The Hard Problem of Consciousness

The Hard Problem of Consciousness is the problem of trying to explain the relationship between physical proccesses in the brain and our rich inner experience. In a nutshell, it seeks to respond to the question of how inert physical procceses can give rise to subjective experience.

Possible explanations have been created but there is no consensus yet.

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